How to Permanently Delete a PS4 User
Do you want to get rid of a PS4 user for good? If so, you’ll need to deactivate all primary ps4s associated with that user. Here’s how to do it!
How to delete a PS4 user
It’s easy to delete a PlayStation 4 user. First, go to settings. Next, scroll down to the second option which is “initialization.” The third option on that menu is “delete user data and settings.” Go ahead and select that. A message will pop up asking if you’re sure you want to delete the selected user data and settings. If you are, select “Yes.”

How to deactivate all primary PS4
To deactivate your primary PS4, you need to log in to your PlayStation Network account on a non-primary PS4 and select ‘Account Management’. From here, you can select ‘Deactivate’ under the ‘User Management’ section. This will deactivate your PS4 as your primary console, meaning you’ll no longer be able to play digital games or use other content linked to your account on that console.
How to permanently delete a PS4 user
If you want to delete a PS4 user, the process is actually quite simple. Here’s how to do it:
- From the home screen, go to [Settings] > [Account Management] > [Account Information] > [Privacy Settings].
- Select [Delete Profile and Data].
- Enter your password when prompted, then select [OK].
- Choose the user that you want to delete, then select [Delete].
- Press the PS button on the controller to return to the home screen.
And that’s it! Once you’ve followed these steps, the selected user will be permanently deleted from your PS4.
How to delete a PS4 account
Here’s how to delete a PS4 account permanently:
- Go to [Settings] > [Account Management] > [Account Information] > [Profile].
- Select [Delete].
- Read the information on the screen, and then select [Continue].
How to remove a PS4 user
To permanently delete a PS4 user, you’ll need to deactivate your console as the primary PS4 for that user. Once you’ve done that, the user will be permanently deleted from your system.
Here’s how to do it:
- Go to Settings > Account Management > Activation.
- Select the “Deactivate” option.
- Enter your password and confirm the deactivation.
- Once you’ve done that, the user will be permanently deleted from your system.